A New Path

Life (my Soul) is always presenting my Self with a New Path.

A new path is always present, although I may have to ‘open a door’ to see it clearly.

Trapped within the boundaries of my own reality (or someone else’s), new pathways are not obvious.

Inundated with the problems and the chaos of modern life, I am unable to see any opportunities for a new path in my life.

My Soul is not inspired to follow the same old path for the duration of a life-time.

Change is inevitable and effortless once I accept effortless change and allow life to change effortlessly.

It is no effort for my Soul to send my Self opportunities for expansive growth.

The effort of choosing a new path is created entirely by my ego Self.

Any resistance to a new path that emerges in my life depletes the degree of effortlessness that is inherent within the opportunity that is presented.

Allowing a new path to emerge will allow a new path to emerge.

A new path in my life is my destiny.

Treading an old path is my fate.

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