A Need to See Basis

There are none so blind as those who cannot see.

Being blind to my path is not the most beneficial way of experiencing it.

The inability to see my path will result in my searching for it.

Seeking my path is a statement of not seeing my path and therefore not consciously following my path with awareness.

Being consciously-aware of my path allows me to see my path.

When I know my path, I am conscious of my path.

When I feel my path, I am aware of my path.

When I know the direction of my path and I feel the clarity of my path, I see that my path is present.

I am no longer lost, confused or frustrated.

I get where my path is leading me.

My path in life is an intuitive path.

I intuitively know, feel & see my path with conscious-awareness of who I am & why I am here.

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