A Mind Of My Own

It is a common belief that we all have a Mind of Our Own.

It is also a commonly held belief that the mind & the brain are the same thing.

It is obvious that all people have their own brain, therefore it is assumed that they have their own mind.

Being able to lose your mind is another commonly held belief.

Most people have never found their mind.

They have never discovered a mental consciousness that exists independently from their brain.

We are lead to believe by science that when our brain dies, so does our mind.

Some people believe that they can lose their mind before their brain dies.

Believing what other people have taught me is sharing their knowledge held in their mind.

I have a mind of my own when I challenge other peoples’ beliefs and the beliefs that other people have given me.

When I discover my own mind, I realise that it feels, sees & knows life as my Self intuitively.

My own mind knows who I am, sees why I am here and feels the experience individually, uniquely & beneficially.

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