A Long Year

A Long Year is a Solar Year.

It is a period of time equal to 26,000 Earth Years.

One Earth Year is the time it takes the Planet Earth to orbit the Sun.

One Long Year is the time it takes the Sun to make one rotation on its axis.

The rotation of the Sun is tangential to its direction of orbit of the Galactic Centre.

Not only does the Sun orbit the galactic centre, it also rotates on its directional axis.

It is not just the sun that rotates but the whole solar system or Heliosphere.

The Heliosphere is the extent of Space that is influenced by both Solar Gravity & Solar Activity.

The Gregorian Calendar, of 365 days and 12 months, plots one revolution of the Earth’s orbit.

The Mayan Calendar, with divisions of 260 Earth Days, plots the Sun’s Axial Rotation on its orbit of the Milky Way Galaxy.

One Mayan Long Year ends on 21st December 2012.

The next mayan long year starts on 22nd December 2012.

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