A Level Of Perspective

Consciousness has Levels.

In a dual reality world, we experience four levels of Consciousness:

Sub-conconsciousness, Consciousness, Super-consciousness & Supra-consciousness.

My level of consciousness determines my level of competence.

I can be consciously or unconsciously competent or I can be consciously or unconsciously incompetent.

Mind has Perspectives.

In a relatively competent or incompetent reality, there are four perspectives of the Mind:

Life can happen to me, by me, through me or as me.

Whether life is happening to me, by me, through me or as me is a personal matter of individual perspective.

My supra-conscious mind sees life as its Self.

My super-conscious mind sees life through its Self.

My conscious mind sees life happen by self action.

My sub-conscious mind sees life happening to itself.

My level of competence is relative to my level of consciousness that determines my perspective of Life.

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