A Legend

A Legend is a story.

It is a story of fulfilment against adversity.

It is the fulfilment of a personal vision that an individual has for their life.

To become a Legend requires my fulfilment of my vision for my life.

My vision is how I see the unfolding of my story of my life.

To become a legend, I am required to be my story.

I am required to live and to experience my story in real life.

Real life is a contextual field of relative dual reality existence that is specifically designed for the physical, mental and emotional experience of one’s visions and one’s dreams.

Only once I attain my vision will others be able to see my legend.

Unless others can see my story and recognise my legend, they cannot recall my legend, narrate my story and know me to be a legend in my own life-time.

We all have the potential to become a legend in our own life-time.

Only a very few attain the distinction of their story becoming a Legend.





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