A Leaning

A Leaning is a choice. It is a preference between two choices.

I lean more towards one choice than another.

When I am leaning, I am not in balance.

When I am in balance, I do not need to lean.

Making a preference between two choices will always take me out of balance.

A preference requires a choice between two opposing dualities or extremes.

Any preference requires a leaning towards one extreme or the other.

A choice between my head and my heart is a duality and either option will take me out of balance.

My head has a rational reason for choosing.

My heart has an emotional purpose for choosing.

My Soul is rationally-emotional with a balanced perspective.

My Soul does not lean one way or another. It is always in balance.

It never has a preference, yet it always has a choice.

My Soul’s choice is to choose what my Self and my Soul choose together.

True Co-operation is equability and has equilibrium. There is no leaning one way or another.

When I make the choice of my Soul, I overcome duality, I find the 3rd Way, it has equanimity and is aligned with my purpose and my vision.

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