A Journey of Two Halves

The first half of my journey is to climb the mountain.

The mountain I have to climb is determined by the fate into which I have been born.

My goal is to climb to the top and ‘overcome’ the mountain.

From another opposing perspective, I am required to descend to the botton of my pit.

The more effort I apply, the higher the mountain becomes and the deeper becomes the pit into which I fall.

When my climb up the topless mountain becomes a descent into a bottomless pit, I am ready to awaken to the 2nd part of my Journey.

The 2nd half of my Journey is to descend from the mountain top to the ocean below.

The path down the mountain is determined by the Destiny that I have chosen to experience.

My destiny is to flow effortlessly back to the source of my origin.

From an opposing perspective, my Destiny is to Ascend into Heaven.

The more effortlessly I travel my path the higher I will sour and the sooner I will descend.

Every river is intuitively drawn back to the Ocean from which it originally ascended as a mere droplet of rain.

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