A Greek Tragicomedy

A Tragicomedy depicts the epic rumour of humour & tumour. It blends the tragic rumour of comedic humour as a release from the laborious labour of fervent fervour and arduous ardour. It is based on the tragedy of human suffering that invokes an intense catharsis, with the pretence of an amusing inducing of humorous laughter.

Catharsis is a purifying cleansing of the emotions, through exposing repressed fears to conscious awareness. It is the release of emotional tension that restores and refreshes the spirit. It is the discharge of pent-up emotional feelings that alleviates the symptoms of adverse physical conditions. The Role of a Tragicomedy is to:

  • Depress the sanguine nature of explosive passion
  • Expand the melancholic nature of depressed desire

My fervent emotional passion is an expansive contract of ardent desire, when I am passionate about what I need and lust after whatever I think I want.

“The purity of my passionate desire is relative to the purity of my thoughts & feelings”

  • I balance my erotic needs with my philotic (platonic) lust to express the pure love of Agape, with my Love of Eros & Philos
  • I align the mental Ethos of my desires with the emotional Pathos of my passions, to influence the pure Light of my Logos
  • I pacify the ethos of eros with the pathos of philos to attain the Logos of Agape, which is the love & the light of my Life
  • I purify and enable my spirit with the power of agape and the authority of logos, as the influential experience of physical existence

I commune in a Life of Enabled Health & Wellbeing as:

  • The Logos of the Light of the Authority of Wisdom
  • The Agape of the Love of the Power of Wealth

My physical health is able to mend when I re-pare my arduous rumours, re-pair my feverous humours and repair my tumultuous tumour. I physically mend when I mentally amend what I know is wrong to be right and I emotionally emend what I feel is bad to be good. I spiritually revise and represent, a new version of a New Testament of my Role in my own Tragicomedy.

“Amen to the Physical Acts of a Spiritual Disciple”

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