A Gift Of Love

Love is a Gift.

Love is always present.

Love is a gift from my Soul to my Self in each present moment.

I just have to allow my Self to receive my gift.

When I am connected to my Soul, I receive a gift of Love.

My Soul loves my Self being connected.

Disconnecting disallows my gift.

I cannot give a gift of love unless I am able to receive a gift of love.

Whenever I need a gift of love, I am disconnected from its source.

My need for love disconnects me from the source of love – my Soul.

Only when my emotional needs are met and I no longer need love can I connect to the source of my love.

I cannot receive that which I believe that I do not have.

I require emotional power to connect to my source of emotional power.

When my emotional power is present, my gift of love is presented.



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