A False Idol

A False Idol is an impure image of my Self that I have become attached to.

My Self attaches itself to whatever it believes that it needs emotionally.

Anything that I believe that I need emotionally has an emotional attachment.

Any attachment that feeds my need for emotional energy is potentially a false idol.

Worshipping a false idol is attaching my Self to whatever I believe that I need emotionally.

When empowered by my Soul, I have a pure connection not a false attachment.

I worship my Soul connection: I idolise my attachments.

I connect with my own power to follow my own path that is divinely authorised.

I attach my Self to an idol that falsely promises to deliver my path to me.

An idol that I idolise will always direct me along a false path.

My true path is exclusively mine.

There are no false idols on my path when I am exclusively connected to my destiny.

I worship my Soul, I never idolise my Soul.

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