A Drama

A Drama is a period of highly intense emotional experience.

A highly intense emotional experience can be personally perceived in a positive or a negative way, as very pleasurable or very painful.

It is not possible to avoid dramas in one’s life. The more that I suppress an intense emotion, the more dramatic life becomes. The more I deny that a drama exists, the more intense the drama becomes. I cannot hide from a drama and I cannot refuse to act out the drama but I can choose to overcome the drama.

A drama is a drama because I believe it to be so. It is a false belief of my personal perspective. In other words, it is a fear that I fear will occur.

Intense beliefs cause intense emotions, which cause intense dramas and their effects.

When I believe that life happens to me, then dramas happen to me.

When I believe that I cause my own dramas, then I am the cause of my own dramas.

Whether I believe life is happening to me or by me, dramatic experiences will occur.

When life happens through me, I am allowing it to be effortlessly undramatic as life just flows without resistance. Dramas are the experience of my resistance to flow. They are life reminding my Self that I am resisting the flow.

When I allow it, life flows through me in an effortless way, not a dramatic way. The flow of pure life energy is exciting but never dramatic. I create all the dramas in my own life, or not, with my perspective of whatever is occurring.

All dramas contain the duality of a choice of positive or negative experience because they are driven by either a positive or a negative perspective of personal reality. With a purely positive perspective of life there is no duality and there is no drama.

When the emotional gender of my energy is out of balance, dramas will ensue that are perceived as either sinful or virtuous. Expressing polarised male or female energy always causes dramatic consequences. When my choice of direction is polarised, it is perceived as either positive or negative. It is my polarised perspective of life that causes my dramatic experiences. It is my belief that life can be bad or wrong that makes my experience of life dramatic.

Drama only exists in relative dual reality existence. In absolute reality, there is no drama. In relative dual reality life, I can experience the extremes of the intensity of my own energy vibration. I can experience the range and the limits of the positive & negative polarity of my thinking.

In the balanced harmony of a neutral intensity, there is no drama. In the eye of the storm there is stillness & calm.

The potential to overcome intensity is the key to overcoming all dramas in my own life.

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