A Divine Creation

Space-Time-Reality is a Divine Creation.

A Divine Creation is the whole experience of energy in its pure vibrational state. The reality of a pure energy vibration is its frequency of time and its wavelength of space. Spacial wavelength and frequent time are a vibrational reality. When space & time are in harmony, reality is a divine creation.

A physical perspective sees frequency & wavelength as the same vibration, yet time and space as different.

A purely spiritual perspective sees a mental frequency of time and an emotional wavelength of space creating a physical vibration of reality, called life. An emotional wavelength of pure love, with a mental frequency of pure light, creates the experience of a pure vibration of physical life.

A Divine Space is an expansive experience because it is vibrating with the power of pure emotion, called Love.

Divine Time is a sequential experience that is vibrating with the wisdom of pure thought, called Light.

The experience of pure thought allows the experience of pure emotion because they are both pure experiences of Life.

The experience of emotional love, mental light and physical life are created in a space-time-reality, which is Divine.

Pure emotional love is our real power and pure mental wisdom is our true authority. Without our pure enlightened thoughts of wisdom, our mental thinking has choice but no authority. Without authority our mental thinking has no emotional power. Only pure thoughts are emotionally empowered with Love.

Space-time-reality allows an individual experience to be either divine or less than divine. Ideal experiences are ideally in contrast to less than divine ideals. What makes space-time-reality perfectly ideal and purely divine, or not, is personal choice.

Personal choice allows a personal reality to be either divine or less than divine. The concept of a divine personal reality is conceived through personal choice. We each imagine our own ideal reality in our own divine way. Choice is personal, so reality is personal and relative to the time & space in which everyone is individually appearing to be.

My personal time & personal space make me individual, separate & unique from you. When we all appear to share the same reality at the same time and in the same space, we lose the apparent ability of having a personal choice of reality; which is neither ideal nor divine.

The purpose of this Divine Creation is the personal experience of our Choice. This allows each of us individually to choose a divine creation of our own choice.

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