A Condition

A Condition is the affect of a cause. Causing an affect causes a condition. Affects are always a condition of their cause.

There are no conditions to a creative life. A creative life is unconditional. Creativity is not the affect of a cause. Effective creativity is beyond the duality of cause & affect. When I put conditions on myself, I cause the affect of blocking my creative ability.

My authority of choice is unconditional, unless I choose the conditions under which I am unable to make a choice. When my choice is subjected to another’s conditions, I am choosing their authority and not my own. When I live under the authority of another, I tolerate the conditions that they put on me.

When I put conditions onto my own choices, I am limiting my ability to receive what is most creatively beneficial. I cause the affect of my negative conditions, I do not effectively create them.

Negative conditions are the affect of a negative perspective, caused by my own negative beliefs & fears. Whether a condition is positive or negative, beneficial or detrimental, is a matter of personal perspective.

When my perspective is aligned with the choice of my own authority, I am creating the experience of my own reality. My own reality is a creation of owning my own beliefs. When I place no conditions on the creation of my own reality, my experience of reality becomes unconditionally beneficial. When everything in my reality is perceived to be beneficial, it’s condition is beneficial and there are no adverse conditions that I am presently causing in my life.

My life is unconditionally creative when I realise that there are no conditions under which my creativity is realised. Creativity is just the creation of a creative creator.

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