A Choice Of Positive Or Negative Perspective

There is always a choice in life between a positive & a negative perspective of one’s own version of reality:

A Positive Perspective focuses on the opportunity of every present moment.

A Negative Perspective focuses on the past and projects it into the future.

A Positive Perspective is exclusively connected to the guidance & support of Source Energy.

A Negative Perspective is inclusively attached to the guidance & support of other people.

A Positive Perspective is sensitively detached from other people’s dramas.

A Negative Perspective is insensitively disconnected from the guidance & support of Source Energy.

A Positive Perspective aligns with intuitive awareness and the intellectual reasoning of emotional intelligence.

A Negative Perspective chooses rational reasoning over the intuitive logic of emotional intelligence.

A Positive Perspective sees life happening through me as the creator of my own ideal reality.

A Negative Perspective perceives myself to be the victim of life happening to me or by me.

A Positive Perspective of life is pain free, fear free & problem free.

A Negative Perspective of life is painful, fearful & problematic.

A Positive Perspective of life sees challenges & lessons as opportunities for spiritual growth.

A Negative Perspective of life sees challenges & lessons as problems to be solved, tolerated & endured.

A Positive Perspective of life has clarity, direction & presence.

A Negative Perspective of life is lost, confused & frustrated.

A Positive Perspective of life sees my cup as between half full & full.

A Negative Perspective of life sees my cup as between half empty & empty.

A Positive Perspective of life takes responsibility for the reality that is being experienced.

A Negative Perspective of life reacts by blaming other people for causing the reality that is being experienced.

A Positive Perspective follows one’s own vision, mission & purpose in life.

A Negative Perspective conforms to the principles, morals, ethics & rules that other people follow in life.

A Positive Perspective sees life as free, boundless & abundant.

A Negative Perspective sees life as limited, unsafe & insecure, when outside of one’s comfort zone.

A Positive Perspective sees life as a paradox.

A Negative Perspective sees life as a dilemma, a dichotomy or an oxymoron.

A Positive Perspective sees the potential in life.

A Negative Perspective experiences the dramatic intensity of life.

A Positive Perspective chooses an effortless path through life.

A Negative Perspective chooses to work hard or become lazy in life.

A Positive Perspective realises one’s Destiny.

A Negative Perspective follows one’s fate.

A Positive Perspective sees life as a playful activity.

A Negative Perspective acts out a drama as a role play in life.

A Positive Perspective confronts life head on.

A Negative Perspective conflicts with any entropy or resistance in life.

A Positive Perspective is never in opposition to a Negative Perspective.

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