A Choice Of Environment

In an Ideal World, we all have choice. We all have the choice to live in our own ideal world. As unique Individuals, what is ideal for me may be less than ideal for you. Ideally, I choose an exclusive environment in which to fulfil my destiny, not the inclusive environment of my fate. When I no longer share your envy, your kindness or your mental perspective, I am free to choose the environs of my own mental reality.

I consciously choose a mental choice that is neither strong nor weak emotionally and neither hard nor soft physically, which is spiritually ‘gentle’. With neither caring, considerate, generous kindness; nor uncaring, inconsiderate, disingenuous unkindness; I choose to kindle my spirit of kindliness. I kindle the spiritual flare of my personal flair. To kindle is to create, to innovate, to initiate and to birth anew. It is empowered inspiration, bursting into revelation.

In my ideal world, I choose to create an environment of gentle kindliness with kindled gentleness; to flow through my life with spiritual flare & creative flair, when I allow it to.

  • A spiritual flare is an inspired conscious thought, with an empowered emotional feeling, being physically present
  • Creative flair is how I infuse that spiritual present into the presence of my present environment

Mental thoughts, emotional feelings and physical existence are all uniquely personal to each and every exclusively connected Individual. Consciously choosing to gently kindle my awareness of how my environment issues, is a part of my chosen destiny. I realise that whatever I mentally and emotionally issue, both goes around and comes around in pure alignment with my choice of reality and my choice of environment.

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