A Beneficient Benefactor

Beneficient is the attribute of a Benefactor.

I attain Beneficience in my role as a Benefactor. I become a Benefactor when I am being beneficient. When I am being beneficient, I cause good things to happen. Goodness is a factor of a beneficient benefactor.

Being Beneficient is being knowingly beneficial.

A Benefactor follows the Golden Rule. As a Benefactor, I do unto others as I would have others do unto me. Others see my actions as beneficial and therefore good for both me and them.

There is no such thing as a bad Benefactor. A Benefactor is always a benefit to other people. When a Benefactor is beneficial without doing anything, they are being beneficient. When I am being beneficient, others are benefiting from the good state of my energy. My well-being is affecting others in a beneficial way.

Being beneficient is not about doing good but about being good. When I am being good, my presence emanates in a beneficial way. I am being unto others as I would choose others to be unto me.

I choose to be neither a villain to nor a persecutor of other people.

I choose to be neither a victim of other people nor to be persecuted by other people.

I choose never to be the hero who persecuted a villain.

I choose to be a beneficient Benefactor who is never a victim, never a villain and never a hero.

My Soul is my beneficient Benefactor.

I never take anything for granted, I just accept the beneficience of my Benefactor. My beneficient Benefactor provides everything that I need for my journey through life. My life journey is sponsored with the beneficience of my Soul. Being beneficient is the essential nature of my Soul.

I always do what I consider best for other people when I treat them as I choose for them to treat me. By the Law of Attraction, how I treat other people determines how other people treat me. Note that a treat is always beneficial.

When I persecute other people, other people will persecute me. When I prosecute other people, other people will prosecute me.

When my actions are beneficial to others, their actions are beneficial to me.

A Benefactor always gives out what they choose to receive in return.

Beneficience is the expression of a quality personal attribute. Attaining that quality personal attribute is essential to becoming a Benefactor.

A benefit is a good fit, a Benefactor is a good factor and being beneficient is a factor that fits efficiently well with the Goodness of my omniscient, all knowing Soul.

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