A Bad Mood

A Bad mood is not a good mood to be in.

Good & bad moods are a judgment of where I find my Self emotionally.

Where I am emotionally is relative to where I am mentally.

Where I am mentally is my perspective of what is occurring.

A false perspective is based on what I think will occur in the future relative to what I experienced in the past.

It is the effect of a limiting belief that causes a negative emotional state of being.

A bad mood is the experience of a negative state of being caused by a fear or false belief.

A bad belief is one that disconnects my Self from my emotional power and puts me in a bad mood.

In a good mood, I am connected to my emotional power and aligned with my Soul’s authority of choice.

Reconnecting to my emotional power requires a change of mindset.

Changing a set mind for an open mind allows a new perspective to appear.

Allowing a new perspective to appear allows a new belief to form as a new reality in my experience.

A better belief equals a better perspective equals a better experience and a new mood becomes my reality.

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