A 3 Dimensional Consciousness

Consciousness has 3 Dimensions.

It is Physical, Mental & Emotional.

Emotional Consciousness Feels.

Mental Consciousness Knows.

Physical Consciousness Sees.

Emotional consciousness feels Power.

Mental consciousness knows Authority.

Physical consciousness sees Ability.

The power of emotional consciousness is called Love.

The authority of mental consciousness (thought) is called Light.

The ability of physical consciousness is called Life.

The Parable of a 3 Dimensional Consciousness is called the Holy Trinity.

The mental authority of the Father (God) combined with the emotional power of the Mother (Holy Spirit) gives birth to the physical ability of the Son, who in the parable is called Jesus.

The Triality of Love, Light & Life that is my Soul, are the 3 Dimensions of my Consciousness, realised as my power, authority and ability, in my emotional, mental and physical Self .

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