7 Questions?

When ………………………..? This is a ‘time’ question.

“In the flow” …………………. is the answer to ‘when’.

Where ………………………? This is a ‘space’ question.

“In the gap” …………………. is the answer to ‘where’.

How …………………………? This is a ‘reality’ question.

“In the now” ……………….. is the answer to ‘how’.

Who ………………………….? This is a ‘Being’ question.

“An Attribute” ……………. is the answer to ‘who’.

What ……………………..? This is a ‘having’ question.

“An Attainment” …………. is the answer to ‘what’.

Why ………………………? This is a ‘doing’ question.

“A True Value” …………… is the answer to ‘why’.

The important question is:

Which …………………….?

“Which question do I ask?”

“Which prayer is appropriate?”

“Which choice do I make for my Life?”

“Which version of reality do I choose to create now?”

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