3 Ways of Competing

There are 3 Ways of Competing:

  • Competing for
  • Competing against
  • Competing with

I compete for myself against another.

I compete for my team against another team.

Competing for and against is a duality.

The duality of competing for and against creates winners and losers.

When I compete with my Self, I improve, I grow, I develop, I become better, and I win.

I always win and I never lose.

When I compete with another, we both improve, we both grow, we both develop, we both get better, we both win and neither of us loses.

I compete for myself against another when I have a need to win.

When I compete against myself, I always lose.

When I compete for my ego against my Soul, I always lose.

I compete with my self when I truly value my own development and growth.

My Soul always competes with my Self, never for or against my Self.

My Soul always competes with others, never for or against others.

When I am not competing, I am just a spectator of life, I am not  participating.

I can choose to compete in life, I can choose not to compete in life and I can choose how I compete in life.

There are always 3 choices in life and always 3 ways of competing in life.

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