3 Aspects of Thought

I do not think a thought so much as perceive it. I receive a thought in my conscious mind then re-transmit that thought through the action of perceiving it or making it conscious.

Thoughts are creative energy. I become the thoughts with which I define my self. I become who I perceive myself to be. I am made in the image that I perceive and thus believe to be real. Whoever I realise myself to be, I make real.

I perceive myself to be real through 3 different aspects of thought:

I see myself and my reality with pictures and images. I see myself as an image that I have projected from my imagination into physical reality. I see the physical reality and I see the imaginary reality that is not yet physical and the potential ability of the focus of my thoughts is equally powerful with both.

I know myself and my reality through words. I know and define myself with the words that are my language. When I think with words, I can hear my thoughts. My words are the mental aspect of my focus and determine the authority of the thoughts that I choose to perceive.

I feel myself and my reality through my emotions. I feel the vibration of the reality that I have created with my thought. The emotional aspect of my thoughts is the power on which they are conveyed or transmitted.

Thoughts are conscious energy. All forms of energy have the 3 aspects of power, authority and ability. Conscious thought has the power of my emotions, the authority of my mind, and the ability of my physical body to create my Life.

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