A Vocation

A Vocation is a calling.

I am called to follow a spiritual path.

A spiritual path is one of personal development.

It is aligned with the vision, mission & purpose for my life-time.

I am called to do what has true value for my Self.

I am first awakened to my calling.

Many are called but few choose to fully awaken.

I follow my vocation with faith in my calling.

I intuitively know that my power comes with my emotional state of being; my authority comes from the choices that I make; and my physical ability is the product of my emotional power & my mental authority.

My vocation is not a faith that follows a religious doctrine or dogma, but a personal faith in my own inner guidance system & intuitive intelligence.

I am intuitively called and I intuitively follow my calling.

Following my path is effortless as my lessons are class-free.