Cute & Acute

Cute & Acute are a choice of perspective.

My wellness is cute & beneficial.

My illness is acute & detrimental.

Acute is unattractive & unhealthy from a negative perspective.

I always have a choice between being ill & being well.

Being well requires the attainment of wellbeing. Wellbeing requires the attainment of mental wisdom. Mental wisdom requires the attainment of emotional wealth. With the attainment of mental wisdom & emotional wealth, I attain the ability for physical health to flow effortlessly through me.

A physically healthy perspective is cute, attractive & appealing but it doesn’t happen to me, I am required to attain it. Without the attainment of a healthy perspective, I experience an acute fear of illness with every intense feeling of pain.

Holding past pain in the physical body traps negative emotional energy as a future trauma.

Holding past fearful beliefs in the physical body traps negative mental energy as a future drama.

An unhealthy perspective is acutely negative because it causes the dramatic effect of a traumatic illness.

Pain is the affect of low emotional energy.

Fear is the affect of false mental energy.

Together they cause the traumatic dramas & the dramatic traumas of acute illness & unwellness. Both pain & fear are an acute indication of an unhealthy perspective of life happening to me in a negative way.

My wealth of wisdom allows my cute perspective of a healthy life, flowing beneficially through me. I can believe that I am a victim of an unhealthy life happening to me or I can intuitively allow any pain or fear to flow through me and out of my present experience.

In my past, I feared the pain of an acutely intense illness. Allowing the cuteness of my present wellbeing allows it to flourish in my healthy future. My perspective of a healthy future is how I heal the fear of a painful past.

When acute illness is no longer my personal choice, a cute experience of health becomes my present experience. With enough emotional wealth & mental wisdom, I allow pain & fear to flow through me without it being a problem.

When my wealth of wisdom is fully flowing, there is no mental or emotional blockage to cause the affect of my fearful pain or my painful fear. When I allow my acute fear of pain to flow out of my reality, my cute healthy perspective is restored instantly.

Choice is a perspective and my choice of a positively beneficial perspective of life flowing through me, realises a cute healthy experience of life; in contrast to an acutely sick & unhealthy experience of illness.

I cannot be well without first attaining the ability to attribute Wellbeing to my Self.