
My Ideology is my view of my Ideal world.

What I consider to be my ideal world is my idea, my world view, and my ideology.

Most people do not have their own ideology.

They see ideology as the view of politicians or world leaders.

Their idea is to follow the ideology of their chosen political leader based on their nationality, religion, culture or creed.

Following any chosen political leader never leads to the experience of an ideal world, just the experience of someone else’s ideal world.

Political Ideology is an oxymoron.

Ideology is a personal view of one’s own ideal world.

My Ideology is the basis for my creation of my own reality.

Creating my own reality without my own ideology, or my own view of my ideal reality, is like building a house without a set of detailed plans.

My world view requires my vision of my ideal world in order to become an idealogical reality.

Without my vision of my ideal reality, I am fated to experience the ideologies of others, which is never ideal for me.

Living my Ideology is my destiny.