The Cause of Victimhood

The Cause of Victimhood is always our personal thinking. It is either a fear or a limiting belief.

Whatever I fear, I become a victim of.

Whatever I need emotionally, I become a victim of.

I am a victim of my programmed sub-conscious beliefs about life.

When my personal beliefs create a reality that I do not want, I am a victim of the reality that my beliefs have created.

My victimhood is created by the belief that I can be a victim of life.

It is created by the belief that life has problems.

It is created by the belief that what occurs is beyond my control.

It is created by the belief that bad luck and misfortune exist.

It is created by my personal judgment that life is good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark, black or white, positive or negative.

The polarity of my energy that creates the existence of duality, polar opposites, and opposing genders, and gives me individual choice, also creates the possibility of my victimhood existing.

A victim is not created by a villain; it is the sub-conscious choice of the individual victim themselves.