
Exploitation can be advantageous or disadvantageous relative to the positive or the negative polarity of personal perspective.

  • When exploitation happens to me, I am a victim of whomever or whatever is exploiting me, which is a problem.
  • When exploitation happens by me, I gain an advantage over whomever or whatever I am exploiting, which is a challenge.
  • When exploitation happens through me, I gain a certain beneficial advantage for myself, with no disadvantage to other people or other things, which is an opportunity.

Allowing myself to be used willingly is being unselfishly exploited, willingly exploiting other people is seen by them as being selfish and allowing my exploits to be advantageous is truly selfish when it is never detrimental to another.

Being truly selfish is using or exploiting others to our own advantage without it being detrimental to them. Sharing an exploit is never detrimental to either party. Resisting an exploit can be detrimental to either one or both parties.

To exploit a person or a situation is to use that person or situation for one’s own advantage. When a person sees their self as disadvantaged by an exploit, they are a victim of exploitation because they believe that they are being used and exploited, which is a problem.

  • Seeing an exploit as a disadvantage is always a problem
  • Seeing an exploit as a mutual lesson to be learned is always a challenge
  • Seeing an exploit as a mutual opportunity is always beneficial

I can only be used and exploited disadvantageously when my perspective of what is occurring allows myself to be so.