A Tumultuous Characteristic

Tumour is a tumultuous characteristic of mental tumult & emotional turmoil, manifesting as a physical disorder. It is affectively dis-ease, not an infected disease.

It is characterised by an unruly, agitated, disturbed state of uproarious, riotous, turbulence; on a mental, emotional & physical level of existence.

It is the affect of a mis-aligned mental influence, with the malignant growth of a detrimental emotional experience, in physical existence.

Tumult is characterised as an upswell of turbulent emotional feelings, as the disturbing affect of mental thinking.

Disturbed mental thinking is the affect of distorted mental beliefs that are running riot in a sub-conscious belief system. A distorted belief is one that inhibits spiritual freedom, so it is called a limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs that are securely fixed in the sub-conscious mind, limit the freedom of thought to flow. In order to free my mind of limiting beliefs, I am required to allow them to come to the surface for healing. Deep rooted convictions can cause a tumultuous upheaval as they endeavour to surface.

Deeply held convictions are beliefs that are difficult to let go of. The deeper the conviction, the more tumultuous their characteristic.

Shame & Humiliation are deeply held fears, which are intensely limiting beliefs, that have a tumultuous affect when coming up for healing.

“A tumultuous conviction of guilt is to blame for the humiliation of shame”

Humiliation is the shame of the blame of the guilt of a conviction, which secures the loss of personal freedom. The sentence that deprives a person of freedom is called a Judgment. With every judgment, I am either convicted by my guilt or convicted by my innocence.

Innocence is a plea of ignorance or denial. I plead my innocence when I deny my guilt, in ignorance of any ‘inner sense’ of personal judgment.

  • My Intuition is my inner sense that discerns my freedom, without any judgment of guilt or innocence
  • My Instinct is my sub-conscious sense of personal security

My Soul is intuitive and my Id is my instinctive sense of ‘flight or fight’. It is my intuitive insights that set me free and my sub-conscious fears that secure my convictions. It is my super-conscious guidance that safely ensures my direction and my sub-conscious programming that securely undermines my support.

  • I cannot mentally run away from my past convictions, as they are secure within my sub-conscious memory
  • I cannot mentally fight any future convictions, as the more forceful my fight, the more powerful they become

When I fight my fear, I endorse it and empower it. With the inability to either fight or flee, the sub-conscious id is powerless to free itself from its own convictions.

My shame & humiliation, that is sub-consciously locked away in the depth of my convictions, is a representation of my disconnection from the freely available guidance, support & provision of my super-conscious Entity.

My true Identity is the alignment of my sub-conscious Id with my super-conscious Entity. This is the truth of my Id-Entity.

  • The Soul intuitively knows its true identity
  • The Self instinctively follows a false characteristic, with tumultuous affect