Outstanding Modesty

Modesty stands out as the best way. ‘Mode’ is the way & ‘est’ is the best. The modest way is without either pride or humility and with both pride & humility. I am outstandingly modest with a mixture of both pride & humility. With humility alone, I am proud of not being proud and I follow the sheep as part of the flock. It is the herd mentality of the sheepdog that is a proud leader. A modest shepherd is proud of his sheepdog’s humility for his sheep.

Being proud allows me to stand out from other people. With humility, I am proud of other people’s outstanding achievements. I perceive achievement with either modest confidence or outstanding arrogance. Confidence is the best way and arrogance is not. Superior arrogance is in contrast to inferior humbleness, which is confused with both modesty & humility. I am proud of my modest humility when I am confident.

With self-confidence my pride is seen as superior arrogance and my humility as inferior humbleness. Superior, arrogant people expect others to be humble & inferior to their proud, convicted, perspective. Their need to be better than other people gives them a false sense of self-esteem.

  • Inferior humble people please the greed of superior arrogant people; being unselfish in relationship to the selfish ways of others
  • Proud, hubristic leaders teach their followers the humility of being humble
  • Avaricious bigots are proud of being better than other people and are displeased by any lack of unselfish, humble, humility in others

Outstanding pride, outstanding humility, outstanding arrogance, outstanding humbleness, outstanding selfishness & outstanding unselfishness are not the ‘best way’ to relate to other people. They are all without the self-confidence of outstanding modesty and the equanimity of self-worth, which approve our own sense of self-esteem.

What stands out in modest people is that they are worthy of confident esteem. They are held in high esteem because we value our ability to confide in them with confidence. We are able to confidently confide in them because we approve of their confidence. When I confidently see the true value of being modest, in another, I hold them in high esteem. When I express the true value of my own modesty with worthy confidence, I hold my Self in high esteem.

Your modesty is most acceptable when I allow it to be expressed with my approval. Being allowing, approving and accepting of another’s modesty is the best way to be.

It is not emotionally intelligent to be:

  • Proud without humility, as this is an extreme expression of hubris
  • Arrogant without humbleness, as this is an extreme expression of bigotry
  • Greedy & unpleasant as this is an extreme expression of avarice

We all have an elite need to be better than other people when expressing our pride, arrogance & greed. Our hubris, bigotry & avarice are an extreme expression of our humble lack of pleasant humility.

Modesty is a personal quality, which does not need to impress other people with a false sense of value & worth. It is not a person’s principles, morals or ethical standards that are held in high esteem but their outstandingly modest persona.

I unconditionally approve, allow & accept any personal expression of modesty and I disallow as unacceptable, my disapproval of any expression of outstandingly arrogant bigotry, hubris & avarice of anyone’s, including my own, immodest & extreme elitism.