The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing But The Truth

The Truth, the Whole Truth, & Nothing but the Truth is the Absolute Truth.

The Absolute Truth does not exist in a world of relative dual reality.

In a world of relative duality, truth is relative to untruth.

In a world of duality & choice, there is no absolute truth.

We all get to choose our own truth.

What I choose to be true becomes my belief.

We all have different beliefs and we all share the same beliefs.

We can share the same perspective of what we believe to be true or our perspectives may differ.

My experience creates my belief that allows my choice that becomes my perspective of what is my truth.

Life has infinite possibilities and definite realities.

Only my definite reality of now ever appears to be true.

All future possibilities of truth remain a potential for my personal manifestation as a matter of my choice in every present moment of now.