Truth & Reality

Truth & Reality are not the same, although it is generally believed that reality is the truth and truth is what is real.

My truth is my perspective based on my experience of reality. When I believe that my perspective of reality is the truth, I have no distinction between truth & reality. Everybody has their own perspective of reality and not all are true.

Fear is a reality but it is not my Truth. I may believe that I truly live in fear but this is because I have no distinction between truth & reality. Living in fear is not in alignment with my true path.

My true path is aligned with my absolute truth. The absolute reality of my absolute truth is that there is never anything to fear. My true path is based on Truth not fear. The truth is that in absolute reality my real path is always true and there is no duality.

In this world of relative duality, I love what is true and I fear what is untrue. As personal experiences of love & fear are based on personal perspective, both are real but only one is true. I can experience True Love but not true fear, only real fear.

A fearful perspective of my path is relatively real but not my absolute truth, even though I may believe it to be real with conviction. I really do experience fear but fear is not my Truth.

The Truth is that fear is a false perspective appearing real based on my relative experience of reality, caused by my beliefs about whatever is occurring. Whenever I experience fear, it is because of a false belief. A false belief is not true but it does cause a false perspective of my reality that appears to be true.

In Absolute Reality there is only Truth.

In relative dual reality, I can experience a reality that is either true or untrue. An untrue perspective is based on the ego’s belief about whatever is occurring. What the ego believes to be occurring, it believes to be real.

When my beliefs are not true, I will experience a false perspective of reality. Limiting beliefs are not True because they cause me to see a false and deviating path, which is not my destiny.

Fear is just an intensely limiting belief that a false path is being presented to myself. Fear not only stops me following a false path but also stops me following my true path.

In the absence of knowing my true path, I cannot know what is true for me and I cannot really know my Truth. As my beliefs about what is true for me become my experience then I assume whatever I experience is real and true for me.

I learn my Truth with intuition. Whereas beliefs are not always true, intuition certainly is.

I learn to fear my Reality with all the false evidence appearing to be real.