Relative & Absolute Truth

Truth can be relative or absolute.

In a relative dual reality world of choice, truth can be true or untrue. Relative truth is apparent & evidential, as is a relative untruth.

Whatever is apparent to our five physical senses is evidently a true sense of reality because we have evidence that it appears to be true. Evidential proof allows appearance to be a true reflection of reality. Relative truth is a reflection of reality that appears to be evident.

Relative truth exists in a world of relative duality. Relative dual reality is a time-line of existence that allows truth and evidence to appear continuous. It is the continuity of a reality that makes it evidently appear to be true or untrue.

When evidence appears to be unchanging & consistent from the perspective of a sane majority, it is declared to be true. When evidence is contradictory, confusing or unclear, it is left to a jury of peers to judge whether it is true or untrue.

Relative truth or untruth is a perspective of an Individual’s perception of reality, which is based on their personal, opinions, beliefs & convictions.

Relative truth & Absolute Truth are not a duality. When they are seen as a duality, absolute truth is believed to be untrue and not real. A Scientific consensus believes that an absolute truth cannot exist unless it is empirically proved to be so. Science is deemed to be a Theory, not a Truth, until it is proved to be untrue.

Absolute Truth is one’s divine alignment with one’s individual, unique & exclusive life path. When my life path is positively and beneficially on track, it is absolutely true. When I encounter resistance & entropy on my path, I am detrimentally and negatively aligned on a default path, which is not absolutely true.

My relatively true Self, called my ego, is absolutely on track when aligned with my personal, vision, mission & purpose for my life. In the absence of knowing my vision & purpose, my mission in life is experienced as relatively beneficial or detrimental because it is not absolutely true. Only my Soul knows the truth of my purpose for this lifetime. Being present in alignment with my True Path is my Soul’s Absolution. When my path is absolutely true, I flow effortlessly through life with opportunities for beneficial experiences. Life feels good because it absolutely is good, when I am on track.

I can only know intuitively that my path is absolutely true. I cannot know my path with my sense of touch, only with my intuitive feeling. My intuition is by definition a certain knowing and a certain feeling, you see!

When I certainly know that my choice of path certainly feels right, I absolutely see that it is true for me. An absolute truth on the Path of Absolution is a subjective reality. A subjective truth is created by the Self with the objective of spiritual growth.

I cannot prove that my exclusively, unique & individual path in life is True, as it is a matter of Faith. I require a faith in my intuitive knowing and feeling to intuitively see my choice of a positively divine path of absolute truth. What is absolutely true for me is relatively true or untrue for you.

Relative truth is a matter of right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative truth or untruth.

Absolute Truth is an alignment of an Individual Self in mental communion with its Soul.