Too Good To Be True

True defines every chosen life path.

In a relative world of truth & untruth, the only thing that is absolutely true for me, is my chosen life path.

I have a true perspective of my path, when I am on track and aligned with my chosen vision for my life. The only thing that is ever true or false is my own personal perspective of whatever is occurring to me, in my life.

I am never off track, as my path is always ready to unfold before me. The only thing that is ever misaligned is my perspective of how my personally created reality is unfolding.

To follow my path, I am required to be centred, balanced & grounded. Grounded and balanced in the centre of every duality is the alignment of my path. When I explore my balance and discover my grounding, I experience being centred on my true path in life.

Too Good is not good enough. It is not enough, it is more than enough, which is not good enough. My path of life is always true, it is always good and there is always enough of everything provided for my Self.

Too good to be true is a statement that something is too good to last, so it doesn’t. When I believe that something is too good to be true, I am stating that I am unworthy of keeping it in my experience of reality, so I lose it.

Too good has a dual reality opposite of not good enough, which is why too good is not good enough to be my true path. When I believe that something is too good, my perspective is not good enough.

Everything that is provided for my Self, on my path, is both Good & Enough. There is always sufficient provision provided for my Self on my path and everything that is provided is good from my highest perspective, my Pro-Vision.

Everything that is provided on my path is Good, not too good. When everything on my path is seen to be good and acceptable, then I experience my path as true for me. The truth is that my path is always good, and so it is, when that is my perspective. My path can only be experienced as good when I allow it to be so because I believe it to be so.

My reality is a true experience of whatever I perceive it to be. I always perceive the truth of my own real experience. I perceive an experience of the truth of my own belief system, which determines my perspective of reality.

When I believe that something is too good to be true, I fail to accept that this is the path for me and I disallow it remaining in my experience. When I believe that something is good enough to be acceptable, I accept it gracefully with gratitude & appreciation.

Gratitude and appreciation allows whatever is acceptable to remain in my experience because I know it to be good enough.

Good enough to be true is a statement that whatever is occurring is unfolding along my path in a beneficial way. It is good enough to be, what I have ideally chosen for my Self to belong to me, in this present moment of time.