‘Worth Fighting For’

Nothing is ‘Worth Fighting For’.

Nothing of True Value needs fighting for because I already have it.

The only thing that I am fighting for is what I believe that I need emotionally.

My fight for justice is my need to be proved right and just.

My fight for freedom is my need to be free.

My fight for survival is my need to live well.

Whenever I am fighting for something, I am really fighting against my own perceived victimhood.

I perceive myself to be a victim of what I believe that I do not have in my life.

In the absence of knowing what I truly value, I will pursue that which I believe that I need.

When I fight against my victimhood, I am fighting an enemy of my own creation.

When I am fighting for my life, I am fighting against it as well as for it.

I am fighting for what I need emotionally in my life and fighting against that which I fear and I hate.

Fighting for or against anything has no value or worth to my Self.

Fighting is a need not a True Value.