The Peaceful Warrior

There is the ‘Way of the Warrior’, there is the ‘Way of the Pacifist’, and there is a 3rd Way – the way of the “Peaceful Warrior”.

The Peaceful Warrior is seen as an oxymoron because war and peace are a duality.

An oxymoron is believed not to exist because it is combining two opposing perspectives of reality.

In a dualistic world, I can be either a pacifist or a warrior, but not both.

In a triune reality world, I have three choices and may therefore choose to be a Peaceful Warrior.

In a Trialistic World paradox not only exists but is the norm.

Paradoxes are my ‘Trials’.

I move into a World of Triality when I see the paradox and discover the 3rd Way.

A Peaceful Warrior neither fights for peace nor fights for war.

As a Peaceful Warrior I confront my own Life without conflict or appeasement.

A Peaceful Warrior has overcome the drama of ‘the Victim & the Villain’, has no arrogance or humbleness and pleases the greed of no-one.