Safe, Secure & Comfortable

I am Safe in my physical world when I am mentally Secure & emotionally Comfortable.

I am Secure when I have a balanced mental capacity.

I am Comfortable when I am competently in emotional harmony.

When safety & security are a physical duality, I will need protection from the material world.

Trying to be physically secure in a material world is always unsafe.

Being mentally secure in my physical body allows me to be physically safe & emotionally comfortable.

Feeling insecure is emotionally uncomfortable.

Emotional discomfort is caused by fear.

Fear is a belief that is insecure.

It is the false thinking of an insecure belief that causes an emotional discomfort called fear and physically unsafe situations.

Pure intuitive thoughts allow the capacity for mental security.

Inspired revelations secure my path through life.

A balanced mental capacity allows a harmonised emotional competence and the capability to attract a safe, secure & comfortable physical reality.