Meek, Weak, Inadequate

My Meekness is due to my feeling of incompetence.

I am drawn to follow the perceived competence of someone else’s authority.

My meekness encourages the wrath of others and their belief in their need for authority over others.

Meekness is caused by a lack of self-worth.

My Weakness is due to the fallibility of my beliefs.

It is caused by my incapacity to be strong.

My strength & weakness is a measure of my will power that is driven by my convictions & beliefs.

Fears create my weakness when I see my convictions as a strength.

Weakness is experienced as a lack of self-confidence.

My Inadequacy is a reflection of my own belief system.

An inadequate belief incapacitates my competence and causes my incapability.

When my confidence & worth are both low, my self-esteem is seen as inadequate.

Meek, weak & inadequate are all degrees of the incompetence, incapacity & incapability of my worth, confidence & esteem.

Being graceful, gentle & good are preferable to being arrogant, strong & adequate.