Thou Shalt Not

Thou Shalt Not is a proclamation of guilt.

I am guilty of doing what I believe that I should not do.

Shalt is an old word for should.

Both should and should not are a toleration.

Thou shalt not is a list of things that someone else believes that I should not do.

I will always tolerate someone else’s to-do list.

When that someone else is believed to be God, thou shalt not appears to become a commandment.

Religious belief upholds that God’s Commandments are covenants that are sacred and should not be broken.

My Covenant with God is not a Commandment.

My Soul is not a judgmental god.

It neither proclaims my guilt nor innocence, and it neither commands me to do anything nor not to do something.

My Soul allows my Self unconditional choice.

Thou shalt not are the commandments of moral and religious men.

Their belief in a judgmental god originated with the 10 commandments of Moses.

Those 10 commandments have been the moral foundation of Judaism, Christianity & Islam for thousands of years, yet few appear to obey them although all appear to tolerate them.

My Covenant is with God, not with Moses.

I shall follow my own path and I shall allow all others to follow theirs.