Two Types of Time

There are Two Types of Time: Relative & Absolute.

The Greeks call relative time “Chronos“.

Hence Chronology or the science of organising events in the order of their occurrence.

Chronology is how the measure of time is studied.

A Chronograph measures relative time, which is the product of speed relative to distance.

A constant speed of the Earth in a constant orbit of the distance around the Sun gives a measure of time of one year.

A constant speed of spin of our planet on its axis through one revolution of the distance around the equator gives a measure of one day of time.

The Greeks call Absolute Time “Kairos“.

Kairos means Divine Time.

Divine Time is eternal and flows effortlessly in Space to allow Reality to occur.

Kairos allows Time to be personal to each individual, as is space and reality personal, unique and exclusive to everyone.

A personal time-space-reality is always a choice.

I can personally choose universal time as a constant, or I can constantly choose Universal Time to be personal to me.

It is the presence of two types of time that allows me to have choice.