Three Dimensional Fate & Destiny

Fate & Destiny are polar opposites.

Destiny is:

  1. Inevitable: It is destined to happen and certainly will.
  2. Inavertible: It is pre-chosen and will certainly occur.
  3. Unavoidable: It will unfold in divine time, irrespective of what may be apparent.

In contrast, Fate is:

  1. Evitable: Whatever I believe to be real will manifest
  2. Avertible: Whatever I cause to be different will have a different outcome
  3. Avoidable: Whatever I deny or ignore will influence my experience

When I believe that I am causing the affect of an outcome, I can judge it to be fortunate or unfortunate, as my destiny or my doom.

When I choose to influence my fate, to avoid my doom and avert a disaster, I resist the inevitable nature of my destiny. When I change the evitable nature of my behaviour, without owning my beliefs, my actions are misaligned and whatever occurs will be my fate. I am fated to act in alignment with my fears & limiting beliefs, which cause my doom.

  • I follow my destiny when my beliefs align my behaviour with a beneficial action
  • I am doomed when a negative belief actively causes a negative outcome

It is never my destiny to encounter the negative affects that my fearful actions cause. It is my negative perspective that causes the fate of my doom. It is my positively inspired perspective that allows the beneficial experience of my inevitable, inavertible & unavoidable destiny.

  • Opportunities are inevitable, inavertible & unavoidable
  • Lessons are evitable, avertible & avoidable

When life lessons are averted & avoided, problems become inevitable, inavertible & unavoidable.

A fateful perspective can be inverted towards a vision of one’s chosen destiny.