Three Choices Of The Self

My Self can choose to be:

  • Selfish
  • Unselfish
  • Truly Selfish

When mentally orientated to the male gender of my emotional energy, I express my selfishness through the controlling wrath, arrogance, bigotry, hubris, lust and avarice of my patriarchal ego sense of self.

When mentally orientated to the female gender of my emotional energy, I express my unselfishness through the nurturing, humble, meek humility of the caring pleasantry of a matriarchal ego sense of self.

When mentally orientated to a balanced wavelength of combined male & female emotional energy, I express my integrity with a unity awareness of being truly selfishly approving, allowing & accepting of all fellow human beings, regardless of their sex, colour, race or creed.

With a truly selfish perspective in alignment with the unity consciousness of my Soul, I have overcome the contrast & opposition to the divided attitudes of my sex, character & personality.

By the Law of Attraction:

  • Arrogance attracts humbleness
  • Wrath attracts meekness
  • Anger attracts patience
  • Hubris attracts humility
  • Lust attracts caring
  • Avarice attracts poverty
  • Bigotry attracts inferiority
  • Selfishness attracts unselfishness

This is because they are all contrasting dual aspects of like wavelengths of emotional energy.

The pure emotional wavelengths of being unconditionally allowing, approving & accepting; overcome every opposing duality of opposing genders. This allows a third choice of being approving & accepting of one’s own truly selfish nature, which never puts one in opposition to any other selfish or unselfish people.

My being Truly Selfish is never detrimental to other people because I never attract selfish or unselfish people, whom energetically & emotionally oppose me. Free of the dramas of gender attraction, I am able to observe the contrast without any opposition. As like attracts like energetically, I only attract truly selfish people because our perspectives are polarised in the same direction.