Work Ethic

I have been taught that work is ethical.

A Work Ethic confirms that work is ethical and beneficial.

An ethic is a belief.

A work ethic is the belief, of our society, that work is ethical and beneficial.

The rulers of our society have deemed work to be ethical.

However the rulers of our society do not work.

They have deemed it ethical for workers to work, for rulers to rule and for governors to govern.

It is ethical for rulers to rule and governors to govern and for rulers to govern and governors to rule, but not to work.

Rulers and governors believe that work is good for other people.

Workers however know differently.

Working meets my physical and emotional needs.

Not working for others allows me to follow my path and do what I truly value.

When my work has true value, it is no longer employment and I have no need of other people’s ethics.

When work is right for me, it has true value for me and it is ethical.

My work ethic is to follow my own path and to be of service to others.