Victims of Scarcity

Victims of Scarcity do not have enough.

99% of the population of the world do not have enough of something.

80% of the world lives in poverty.

20% live in luxury.

Less than 1% have found the balance.

I cannot be a victim of scarcity and live in abundance.

I cannot be a victim of extravagance and live in abundance.

Most people rely on other people for their emotional power.

A high percentage are victims of other people needing their emotional energy.

Some are victims of other people taking their energy forcibly.

Most people in the modern world are short of both time and space.

They are victims of their obsessive life style and the pace of modern life.

The majority of the world’s nations are in debt due to a perceived scarcity of money.

Even the well-off believe that they do not have enough money and are constantly pursuing more and more.

Half the world suffers from the symptoms of low self esteem.

The other half have become victims of their own arrogance and self-importance.

Scarcity is pandemic in the modern capitalist world and was even more so in a communist society.

Victims of scarcity are victims of their own beliefs and perceptions.