
Thoughtfulness is:

  • An Ideal Perspective
  • Being Inspired
  • Being Empowered
  • Being Enlightened
  • A Revelation
  • Serendipitous
  • Co-incidental
  • A Super-conscious Capacity
  • Beyond Mindfulness
  • Intuitive
  • Certainly Beneficial
  • Beyond Intellect
  • Creative
  • Wise
  • Fulfilling
  • Visionary
  • Imaginative
  • Attractive
  • Expansive
  • Inter-developmental
  • A Personal Attainment
  • A Divine Quality
  • My Destiny
  • At Choice
  • In Appreciation
  • In Gratitude
  • In Integrity
  • Clear
  • Direct
  • Present
  • Abundant
  • Need free
  • Pain free
  • Problem free
  • Without Judgment
  • Acceptable
  • Good
  • Gentle
  • Graceful
  • Self-healing
  • My Authority
  • Enabling
  • Opportune
  • My Potential


  • Sees the Big Picture
  • Has Awareness
  • Happens as me
  • Initiates Innovation
  • Flows through me
  • Has my approval
  • Allows contentment
  • Provides with Providence