The Intensity Of Thinking

My Soul transmits pure thought frequencies to its Self.

Pure frequencies of thought are transmitted on pure wavelengths of emotion called Love.

My sub-conscious Id receives pure thought & transmits personal thinking.

My personal thinking is filtered through my personal programmes called memories.

It is then passed to my conscious ego as an opinion, a belief or a conviction, determined by the intensity of my mental programming. 

The character of the thinker determines how the frequency of thought is divided by positive or negative polarity.

The personality of the thinker determines how the wavelengths of emotion are divided by male or female gender.

The extent of the division of the polarity & the gender of my thinking determines its intensity.

The intensity of my thinking determines the inclination of both my perception & my perspective in life.

We are all inclined to think this or inclined to think that relative to our beliefs about whatever is occurring.

My Soul has no individual perspective, perception or inclination; it leaves that to my conscious Self to choose.