Positive Thinking & Pure Thought

Positive Thinking & Pure Thought are not the same thing.

My ego Self is thinking positively when it is getting what it wants.

When I am getting what I want, it is a positive experience that I think that I like.

When I am not getting what I think that I want, it is a negative experience that I do not like.

It is my negative thinking that is creating my negative experience that I do not want.

Positive & negative thinking are a duality and the result of my beliefs about what I am experiencing.

Pure Thought is beyond the duality of positive & negative thinking.

It is an inspired revelation that emanates from my Soul.

My Soul is incapable of sending my Self a negative thought.

In alignment with my Soul, I can see, know and feel the Purity of my Thoughts.

Positive thinking is the result of my sub-conscious programming.

Pure Thought is my super-conscious Mind in communication.