Thinking a Thought

Thinking a Thought is an illusion.

I think with my brain.

My brain processes my thinking.

My thinking is a process of remembering past experiences and projecting them into my future.

Thinking is a process of my Conscious Mind.

I do not think a thought, I have a thought.

Thoughts just appear in my conscious mind.

I just become conscious of them.

I do not have to go looking for them.

Thoughts are a communication of my Mind not a process of my brain.

My brain will process a thought that is received by my conscious mind.

It is just a processor not an originator of thought.

Processing a thought is called thinking.

Originating a thought is creative and is the ability of my Super-conscious Mind not my Conscious Mind, which only thinks that it is the originator.

With no clear distinction between my thinking and my thoughts, there is no clear distinction between my thinking and my thoughts.