The Speed of Thought

The Speed of Thought is instantaneous.

Thought is beyond the confines of speed, time & distance.

Speed, time & distance are a concept of physical interaction, not thought.

Thought is the cause but not the effect, which takes its origin beyond the world of duality.

Time, speed & distance are the effect of Thought and the originating Consciousness.

Thought does not travel.

Thought just Is.

Time, speed & distance allow the illusion that Thought can travel in space, time & reality.

It is Thought that creates the illusion of Space-Time-Reality.

It is time that appears to travel at a constant speed from the distant past to the unforeseeable future.

Thought only exists, and can only be experienced, in each moment of Now.

It is my Thought about each moment of Now that brings both Space & Time into Reality.