
When I need to attain success, I will fail.

When I need to achieve success, I will fail.

When I need to accomplish success, I will fail.

When I know that my success is assured, I cannot fail.

When my success is a duality of failure, I am not succeeding.

I am trying to accomplish, achieve or attain whatever it is that I believe will ensure my success.

There is nothing that I need to do to succeed.

There is nothing that I need to have to succeed.

There is no-one I need to be to succeed.

When I believe that there is, I am focusing on my present lack of success; which is my failure.

My life will forever continue to present opportunities for my Self to attain more emotional power, achieve more mental authority and accomplish more ably whatever I am physically doing.

My success is ensured.

My only failure is to fail to see how successful I already am.