My Personal Boundaries

It is unacceptable to me, for other people to behave in a way that:

  1. Harms me
  2. Criticises me
  3. Condemns me
  4. Complains to me
  5. Is cynical to me
  6. Is sarcastic to me
  7. Humiliates me
  8. Embarrasses me
  9. Needs me
  10. Diminishes me
  11. Patronises me
  12. Is sympathetic to me
  13. Is apathetic to me
  14. Humbles me
  15. Is arrogant to me
  16. Bullies or intimidates me
  17. Interrogates me
  18. Controls me
  19. Envies me or is jealous of me
  20. Gives me their problems
  21. Teases me
  22. Enforces their boundaries on me
  23. Stops me following my own path
  24. Gossips about me, slanders or libels me
  25. Disempowers me
  26. Guides me on their path
  27. Swears at me
  28. Hates me
  29. Tolerates or endures me
  30. Dislikes me
  31. Dignifies me
  32. Devalues me
  33. Assaults me
  34. Pulls me into their dramas
  35. Is insensitive to me
  36. Is irrational with me
  37. Is unemotional with me
  38. Deceives me
  39. Is suspicious of me
  40. Is inattentive to me
  41. Is wary of me
  42. Disappoints me
  43. Mistrusts me
  44. Ignores me
  45. Disapproves of me
  46. Steals from me
  47. Is self-righteous to me
  48. Preaches to me
  49. Gives me their advice
  50. Teaches me a lesson
  51. Lays down their law to me
  52. Does unto me as others have done unto them

My Personal Boundaries allow my emotional power to be retained. They form a force field of protective energy, that other people are unable to cross, when my specific boundary aligns perfectly with my personal standard of behaviour. When my boundary is out of alignment with my own standard of behaviour, it has no power and is ineffective because it is an expression of my own hypocrisy.